The Amazons : Tilley-Gyado hands over KLT Command to Edeldouk with unprecedented revenue collection of N36.6bn in 5 month

The Amazons. From left; ACG Tilley-Gyado and her successor, Comptroller Joy Edeldouk during the handing over ceremony
The Amazons : Tilley-Gyado hands over KLT Command to Edeldouk with unprecedented revenue collection of N36.6bn in 5 months
...New Area Controller harps on 48 hours cargo clearance
…Efficient service delivery
…Innovative solutions

The handing over ceremony of Kirikiri Lighter Terminal, KLT, Command on May 31, 2024, was like a meeting of Amazons, members of a legendary race of female warriors, as two intelligent female officers displayed bravery, exceptional commitments to duties and sincerity of purpose.

The outgoing Area Controller of KLT Command, Mrs Tilley-Gyado, who was recently appointed Acting Assistant Comptroller General (ACG), in charge of Human Resources department, handed over the leadership of KLT Command to the incoming CAC, Comptroller Joy Edeldouk, who is equally experienced in the job.
In her opening speech, ACG Tilley-Gyado revealed that KLT Command under her supervision recorded unprecedented revenue collection of over N36.6billion from January to May 2024, which is higher than N16billion that the Command generated the same period in 2023.

The most outstanding feat made by Tilley-Gyado was revenue collection of N10billion realised in just one month, which is exceptional and the first of its kind in the history of KLT Command of Nigeria Customs Service.
Aside the astronomical increase in revenue collection, KLT formation under Tilley-Gyado worked tirelessly and revamped moribund terminals, thereby boosting productivity of the formation.
The Acting ACG asserted : “KLT as a Command is very unique from other formations. This is because it is an off-dock Command. We don’t receive vessels here, so we depend on sister Commands for transfer of containers, as we work to generate revenue for the Federal Government.
“So, when I assumed office here, Festac, for instance, was moribund, with the cooperation of hard working officers and men, we were able to revitalise that.
“Within the same period under review, KLT was transformed from a Single Export Transit hub to export processing terminal with tremendous increase in activities within the area.”
Speaking further, Tilley-Gyado disclosed that the Command under her watch experienced great transformation, which paved the way for exportation of about 869 containers, irrespective of the challenges encountered during operations.”
Tilley-Gyado urged officers and men of KLT Command to fully support and cooperate with Compt Joy Edeldouk to deliver on the tasks ahead.

In her response, the new CAC extolled the virtues of her predecessor, promising to raise the tempo of operations, especially in revenue collection.
Compt Edeldouk, who has served in Customs headquarters Abuja, Lagos Zonal office and other formations of the Service before being posted to KLT Command, mentioned revenue collection, 48 hours cargo clearance, efficient service delivery, constant stakeholders engagement, innovative solutions and inter-agency collaboration as topmost in her priorities.
According to Compt Edeldouk : “We are going to make KLT Command user friendly. The Command does not have ship call, but we must facilitate trade and generate revenue for government.
“The Customs management expects a lot from us, and we must deliver effectively. Revenue collection is very important in our operations. It is a key performance index in our work.
“We are going to operate an open door policy, working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to consolidate on the existing structure. We must ensure efficiency in our operations to achieve much needed innovation that will benefit the nation’s economy”.
The incoming CAC emphasised the need for officers to follow the right procedures and work in tandem with the vision of the Comptroller-General of Customs, CGC Adewale Adeniyi MFR, on Consolidation, Collaboration and Innovation to achieve greater economic growth.

The high point of the occasion was the handing over of the flag, which is the symbol of authority and leadership in the Command.
Stakeholders who spoke at that occasion described ACG Tilley-Gyado as a solution provider, a mother, friend and sister.
Observation :
Our News inquest revealed that ACG Tilley-Gyado has been part of the success stories of KLT Command. Some years back, she worked as DC Revenue of the same Command under the leadership of Hammi Swomen, who was the Area Controller then. By dint of hard work and resilience, Tilley-Gyado rose to the rank of Customs Controller and later became the Area Controller of KLT, the same Command she nurtured to grow.
Today, Tilley-Gyado is leaving KLT Command with excellent footprint as ACG, a remarkable achievement realised by merit of good performance and dedication to statutory responsibilities. Yes, she came, saw, conquered and raised the standards.
It is worthy to mention that her former boss, retired ACG Hammi Swomen, who was redeployed to KLT Command as Area Controller, made tremendous impacts, even as he left KLT with the rank of an ACG, what a unique Command !!!